Three months old

Alayna is a little over three months old and SHE ROLLED OVER today !!!! I couldn't believe it. It was from her belly to her back. She hasn't mastered rolling over from her back to her belly yet.

She has also started chewing on her fingers. In fact it seems like everything goes in her mouth. She is also drooling all over herself. We are beginning to wonder if she is already teething. We have a friend who is a dental hygienist and she said it is possible by around 4 months to have a first tooth.

She definitely has her preferences already. She does not like being held like a tiny baby anymore. In fact she likes being held so she can face out and see everything. She also loves to stand up. She also seems to know when the phone is next to her face that she should talk. She will babble on and on.

I cannot believe how fast she is growing and developing. It is amazing to watch each new little trick. Every day brings new surprises.
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