Almost 2

In two months Alayna will be 2 years old. I don't know where the time has gone. People always tell you that time flies and to treasure every moment. I never really understood that until I became a parent myself.
I am watching Alayna transform into her own little person with her own unique personality. She learns new things every day and becomes more and more independent also. As you can see above she wants to talk to Mom-Mom on the phone by herself. She doesn't want Mommy to hold the phone for her anymore.

She is now actually starting to really play with her baby doll. She feeds her and pushes her in the stroller. This is a step up from just throwing her across the room.

She loves brushing her teeth, although she doesn't like Mommy doing it quite as much.

She had cereal for the first time with milk in a bowl a couple of weeks ago. As you can see, milk is all over the place. She hasn't quite mastered the spoon yet.

She got a Princess blanket and matching pillow at a craft show. She loves them and often wants to take both in the car with her.
Every day is still filled with new is so exciting seeing the world and all that there is to discover through a child's eyes.
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