Corfman Corner

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 2007

We had a really great Christmas. This was officially Alayna's second Christmas but it was her first Christmas that she was actually somewhat aware of what was going on. People have always said how incredible it is to see Christmas through the eyes of a child and I finally comprehended that this year. It was so much fun this year watching Alayna get excited about the lights on the Christmas tree and on all the houses in the neighborhood. She was a little overwhelmed opening her presents. It took her about one hour to open everything because she wanted to play with each new thing and really didn't have any interest in moving on. The excitement in her eyes was so wonderful.

She went from one thing to another all day. She really loved her Little People train and Little People's Noah's Ark. She was so funny though because she likes things a certain way and if you try to change that she gets upset. For example, she does not want any of the little people to actually ride the train. She automatically pulls them all off and if you try to put them back on, she takes them off. It was hilarious.

Her Rock and Spin Zebra was another fun toy. She was a little cautious of it at first but soon learned to climb up on him. She actually likes dancing to the music that he plays too.
The toy that all of the adults loved the most was her TMX Elmo from Jessie. Elmo is hilarious. It is the smartest toy that I have ever seen. You tickle Elmo and he goes crazy laughing. He lays down on the floor kicking his feet, lays on his side, and ends up back in a standing position. He does many other things too. You actually get clues on how to make him do other things such as hiccup. All of his secrets will be revealed on Jan 2nd so we are eagerly anticipating this. Alayna is still a little unsure of Elmo but she is inching closer each time.

Overall we had a great day. All of my family was over for dinner. We had so much fun eating and opening presents. Alayna enjoyed playing with all of her toys and visiting with EVERYONE.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Life's latest adventures

Life has been as busy as usual for us. Brandon is busy with coding and programming. He is also preparing for his trip to Africa at the end of January. I am REALLY busy trying to complete my medical transcriptionist course. It is very challenging and time consuming. I am pressing forward reminding myself of my goal which is to be able to work from home.

We spent Thanksgiving with my family at my sister's house. Brandon's dad was also here and able to celebrate with us. Alayna had a great time and as always enjoyed her cousin Hayden. We are definitely continually thankful for all of the blessings that God has given us.

Alayna is growing into a little toddler. These days she enjoys getting into EVERYTHING!!! She loves playing with her toys and reading her books. Her favorite book is her Playtime Peek-a-boo book which has been duct-taped several times due to wear and tear. In fact, Aunt Carol bought her a new one so she wouldn't have a red-neck book that is all taped up. She also loves climbing up the steps and if the gate is left open she flees to the steps for her great escape. She isn't walking yet but did take three steps to her Mom-Mom on Friday.