Life's latest adventures

Life has been as busy as usual for us. Brandon is busy with coding and programming. He is also preparing for his trip to Africa at the end of January. I am REALLY busy trying to complete my medical transcriptionist course. It is very challenging and time consuming. I am pressing forward reminding myself of my goal which is to be able to work from home.
We spent Thanksgiving with my family at my sister's house. Brandon's dad was also here and able to celebrate with us. Alayna had a great time and as always enjoyed her cousin Hayden. We are definitely continually thankful for all of the blessings that God has given us.

Alayna is growing into a little toddler. These days she enjoys getting into EVERYTHING!!! She loves playing with her toys and reading her books. Her favorite book is her Playtime Peek-a-boo book which has been duct-taped several times due to wear and tear. In fact, Aunt Carol bought her a new one so she wouldn't have a red-neck book that is all taped up. She also loves climbing up the steps and if the gate is left open she flees to the steps for her great escape. She isn't walking yet but did take three steps to her Mom-Mom on Friday.

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