Alayna's busy seventh month

Alayna was 7 months old on May 25th. She is growing so fast. This past month has been filled with many firsts and changes in her. Here are some highlights:
She had cheerios for the first time. You can see Daddy helping her out. She wasn't sure at first but did eventually learn to get them in her mouth and chew them.

She finally got her first teeth. As you can see they are on the bottom in front.

She went swimming for the first time at Aunt Carol's last Sunday. The water was really cold but she eventually started enjoying it.

She said her first words on Father's Day. To Daddy's dismay, she said "ma, ma". Actually even though he wished it had been da-da, he was still excited that she said her first words. She has said the occasionally da-da mixed in with her rambling.
Some other highlights are she learned to wave bye-bye (thanks to Daddy), she has started getting into things while she is in her walker, she can roll in any directions she chooses, and she FINALLY started CONSISTENTLY sleeping through the night. I cannot believe how much she is changing. She is no longer a little baby. She is becoming her own little person. I am excited to see how much she learns in the eighth month.
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