Corfman Corner

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


This past weekend I FINALLY completed my first Sudoku puzzle without looking at the answers! I was so excited. I owe Brandon a big thank you for directing me to a web site that gave me tips on solving the puzzles. I warned him that if he got me started on these things, he may not be able to get me to stop. I was right because now I am officially HOOKED!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Sudoku has been described by some as the puzzle craze that is taking the world by storm. I come from an accounting background and love working with numbers. I thought this would be the perfect hobby to challenge my mind. Brandon agreed and recently bought me a pocket sudoku book.

I decided I would try working on some puzzles during the day or while I am up in the middle of the night. My first attempt was this morning at 4:30 a.m. I became so frustrated after one hour of trying to work the numbers. I would think I was on the right track but would run into roadblocks. I even cheated and looked at the answers for the top line and still couldn't get past the top 3x3 boxes.

I am very stubborn so I will keep trying until I figure it out. If anyone has any suggestions for me they would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

2nd Childbirth class

Last night was our second childbirth class. It was a little more exciting than the first week. We got to take our tour of the birthing center. Someone had just had a baby and it was so cool to see all of the family celebrating in the hallway. I thought about how that will be us soon!! Everytime a baby is born at the hospital they play the rockabye baby lullaby throughout the whole hospital.

The labor and delivery room was very nice and pretty large. Everything will happen in this room. It has a little bed type thing for dads, a private bath with a shower, cd player, tv, etc. They said they are pretty flexible about allowing as many people in as you want. They said as long as there is room for the doctor! I really think I will want people in to distract me during the labor part. However, during the actual delivery I only want Brandon in there.

We learned about the hospital's security measures. All three of us will be tagged as soon as Alayna is born. She will have a band put around her ankle which will function as an alarm. If she is taken out of the birthing center area, alarms will sound and the hospital will lock down.

The funniest part of last night was when Brandon was learning massage and touch relaxation techniques. The nurse said that sometimes the woman doesn't want to be touched but will accept a hand or foot massage. She gave all of the men a glob of lotion. Unfortunately, Brandon's portion was more than one glob. He did the massage on my hands and then we both had an overwhelming amount of lotion. It was hilarious because it wasn't absorbing on either one of us and we just kept slipping away from each other. I started laughing and couldn't stop. Finally after a few minutes the nurse came around with napkins so we could wipe the lotion off. However, even after wiping our hands off, Brandon still couldn't help me up off the floor because they were still so slippery.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Amazing Race

My favorite show is back!! The new season of the Amazing Race started again tonight. There are alot of different combinations. This is the first time in a while that I can remember that there hasn't been an older couple. In previous seasons, the older couples have seemed to struggle alot. I don't know if they are trying to avoid those situations or if no older couples applied this time.

The show always seems to keep you guessing. They said there would be something unusual tonight and they did not disappoint. They did an elimination before the first pit stop!! That was pretty shocking. They also had an elimination at the pit stop which means we are already down to 10 teams after the first show. I can't remember but I think the show normally starts with 11 teams, not twelve.

I am excited to see what happens this season. Some of the teams are pretty argumentative already. Also, teams have already showed dislike for each other. It will be interesting to see what teams bond and which stand alone.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Childbirth classes

We officially started our childbirth classes tonight. Our teacher is a nurse with over 30 years of experience. She has alot of insights and knowledge to share. I felt like she was talking just to me. I laughed as she described the exact things that I am feeling and experiencing right now.

We had about 10 other couples on our class. It is funny to watch the men. They all seem excited(yeah right) to be there! They were learning a little bit tonight about their role as coach. We learned some relaxation techniques and how they can support us. I am excited for next week when they learn massage techniques. We also get a tour of the birthing center.

They gave us a big hospital belongings bag full of stuff. It had a lot of little samples such as diapers, lotions, wipes, etc. There were also about 6 magazines. However, most of it was advertisements and coupons. I laughed at the offer from DirecTV!! What does that have to do with our newborn baby?!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

One-click ordering

BEWARE of one click ordering on the Internet. I learned the hard way. A couple of weeks ago I was looking at gliders and ottomans on Target's website. Later on I checked my email and saw a confirmation email of my order. I was so shocked!!! I hadn't ordered this $160 glider or so I thought. Apparently, I had accidently clicked a one click ordering button and didn't even realize it.

I called Target right away. It had only been a couple of hours since the order was placed so I thought there would be no problem cancelling it. However, they told me it had already been processed and could not be cancelled! I could not believe it. My only option at this point was to wait until the shipment came and refuse it. I prayed that I would actually be home when it came which thankfully I was.

I went back on Target's site and quickly figured out how to get rid of this one click ordering button so that this would never happen again. The moral to this story- BE VERY CAREFUL when browsing or shopping on the web.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Pregnancy update

After three years of trying to have a baby including some infertility treatments and becoming activated to adopt in January, I was amazed to find out in March that I was PREGNANT!! What a blessing from God. I was a little guarded in the beginning but I am now officially 30 weeks pregnant and continuing to expand!! Reality has finally sunk in. Our little miracle will be here before we know it.

I have truly been blessed with a healthy pregnancy. The first trimester was as predicted. I had morning sickness which included nausea and feeling very tired. I could not stand to go to Walmart grocery shopping, just the smell of the food made me feel sick. Thankfully right after the 12 week mark it all stopped. The second trimester was as they say the best. Now I am in the third trimester and it is obvious that the honeymoon phase of feeling good is over. The fatigue has returned. I am getting up several times during the night and am finding it more and more difficult to get comfortable. My feet are now swelling and I am having a very hard time finding shoes to fit. Also, I had a little bit of a scare when my first glucose tolerance test showed a high level of sugar. I had to take the three hour test last Friday but the results showed up negative. Yeah, no gestational diabetes!! A definite answer to prayer.

Despite the above complaints, pregnancy is definitely a blessing. It is amazing to see and feel how much more baby Alayna is moving. Brandon is finally able to feel her also. It is so incredible to watch my stomach jump up and down. Her favorite play times are around midnight and two or three in the morning. I think we are going to have a very active baby.

We start childbirth classes next Monday. I think this will be an adventure for both of us.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First post

Brandon helped me set up my page. I wanted to be able to keep our friends and family up to date on what is going on in our little world. There will be more to come tomorrow!!!