Alayna has arrived

Last Tuesday I went to the hospital for a nonstress test. The doctor also wanted to do an ultrasound to check the amniotic fluid around the baby. Upon finishing the ultrasound, she told me that she was keeping me. I asked her for what?!! She said to have a baby. The fluid was low so she wanted me to deliver.
I was so shocked. I called Brandon and he kept repeating "Your kidding"!! I finally convinced him that I was serious and that Alayna would be coming that day.
They took me upstairs around 11a.m. and started getting things going. They started pitocin to get the contractions going. When they first checked me, I was already 3-4 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. I had not a clue!! Things kept progessing nicely. Around 5:30 they broke my water and things really started moving.
My contractions started getting stronger and stronger. I asked for an epidural and they were able to give it to me in about 30 minutes. I only had to struggle with hard contractions for about 45 minutes. The edidural was great and even had a button I could push for more medicine.
Around 9:00 pm I was starting to feel the contractions and pressure again so they came back in and gave me more medicine through the epidural. This ended my second bout of pain which had only lasted about 20 minutes.
At 11:30 pm, it was time to push. I was so excited because I thought it won't be long now. Boy was I wrong!! It took two hours of pushing before Alayna arrived at 1:38 am on October 25th. I was so overwhelmed when I saw her. I couldn't believe that she was here and she was perfect!! My first reaction was to thank God for this wonderful blessing!!
She weighed in at 7lb 10oz. She was 18 1/2 inches long. They said that her hair was blond. I couldn't really tell until they cleaned her up. The doctor said it was good that I didn't go three more weeks until my due date because Alayna would have weighed a whole lot more. I can't imagine.
My whole labor experience went very well. I am so amazed by the whole process. I can't wait to watch our little miracle grow and strive.
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