Corfman Corner

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Exciting week

We have had an exciting week already. On Monday I was scheduled to go to my family doctor to get a flu shot as recommended by my ob/gyn. When I woke up I realized that my hands, legs, and feets were swollen pretty bad. I called my family doctor's office and asked them if he could take a look at them before I got the shot. He did and was very concerned because my right leg was swollen more than the left. He called my ob/gyn and they both agreed that I should go to the hospital and have a doppler ultrasound on both legs to make sure that I didn't have any blood clots. Thankfully there were none. The tech said there was just alot of fluid.

Today I went for my 36 week appointment. My swelling was still significant and my blood pressure was up. My doctor thought that I should go to the hospital and be checked out by another doctor in the same practice. We were able to go directly to the family birthplace at the hospital. They automatically took me in and hooked me up to monitors and did blood work. My blood pressure came down and everything seemed to be ok. The doctor came in and said that my bloodwork showed that I was anemic so I would need to take more iron. I was cleared to go home after about 1 1/2 hours. I told Brandon this was our practice run!!! Hopefully the rest of the week will be quiet.


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